Tuesday 26 March 2013

Happy Easter

Hi everyone

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter break and hopefully you don't over do the chocolate.  I am taking my two kiddies to Melbourne and we will be staying with my brother and family.  It is his 40th birthday and we are going out to a Lebanese restaurant complete with belly dancing!

Just an update on the course so far...  I am really enjoying everything about it.  I am loving learning about something I am so passionate about.  I am looking forward to being involved with the Skype session this morning - it should be interesting.

Cheers, Kate

Monday 18 March 2013

New camera....

Hi everyone,

I am looking to buy a new camera as my old one has died.  Just wondering is anyone has any handy tips.  There are so many different cameras available and it can get a bit confusing.  

Thanks, Kate

Thursday 14 March 2013

I found this exercise to be quite challenging.  I really had to think hard about the descriptions and what that meant in translating this to a typographic element.  Not being able to use images was quite confronting as well.  I wonder how everyone else found this assignment?

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Back into it - yippeeeee!!!

Hello to my fellow students.... I have been hanging out to get back into my study after the long weekend.  We have friends staying over the long weekend and they left yesterday, a fun time was had by all.  I am working on my typographic portraits today which is kind of a challenge to create a visual image incorporating a theme.  I had better get the brain working!

Thursday 7 March 2013

Scanner story

Technology 3 - Scanner story

I have chosen these items to reflect my love of the beach and the endless hours of fossicking for treasures.  We live just a stone's throw (forgive the pun) from Hinsby Beach in Taroona and love nothing more than to go for a swim and collect shells, driftwood and rocks.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Off and running....

It is my third day of course and I feel like I am settling in well.  This afternoon is a bit of challenge with the outside temperature over 30 degrees.  A beach swim after school pickup will be amazing.  Back to the course, I am working on LA1 at the moment after a slow start due to not being able to view video.  As with other situations sometimes it is good to just go back to the beginning.  Anyway found a free download called VLC Media Player and it worked!  Must get back to study now....

Monday 4 March 2013

Day 2 Graphic Design Study

Hi there

Day 2 of study is in full-swing after the system being down yesterday.... I was a little confused to begin with but things are falling into place now.  I am really happy to finally begin after months of looking forward to the course.

Cheers Kate

1st day of graphic design study

Hi everyone, it's my first day of studying graphic design and I am so excited!!  I have an insatiable passion for design and the arts and so thrilled to finally have the opportunity to learn all about it....